Temple City High School
Class of 1973
Welcome to the Temple City High School Class of 1973 website! Please find your name in the class list and fill out your profile so others can see and correspond with you.
Looks like it's a wrap for our 50th reunion! What a fun weekend that was! The Reunion Team would like to thank all those who came out and joined in the festivities and missed all those who couldn't make it. Many thanks go to Darrell and Gaby for hosting such a fun party on Friday night. It was a great ice-breaker for everyone and set the course for the rest of the weekend.
Reunion photos will be posted soon on the website so go to the photo gallery and check them out. Feel free to submit your own to post! Also, in the photo gallery is a few short videos that were very kindly sent in by some of our classmates sending well wishes so take a peak at those as well.
We hope everyone had as great a time as we did and we look forward to seeing you at the next one so watch this space!

